Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Open-Letter to Police

An Open-Letter to Police in the United States of America

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of US Law Enforcement:
~~~~What the actual, living PHUCK, people? What the HELL does whether somebody WANTS TO identify oneself or not have to do with ANYTHING? We as a Society only grow weaker and more vulnerable because we're all teary-eyed little girls more worried about some swingin' dick's  "Right to be secure in his person, house, papers, and effects" than we area about apprehending bail-jumpers, sex offenders violent felons, Pedo/ChoMos and whoever else is skulking around here with
outstanding warrents
911 lights up as dozens of concerned citizens have spotted a guy open-carrying an AR-15 and wearing a tactical vest. You make contact with him, determine he hasn't broken a law and tell him he's free to go because we're supposed to care that the Second Amendment, 'ShALl nOT bE iNfRIngEd". 

How long before Police Officers become so desensitized by these chest-beating gun monkeys that a guy who just shot up his former jobsite had been seen walking along the sidewalk with "Muh AR" wearing a "Don't Treat on Muh" shirt.

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