Thursday, August 31, 2023

Poster 7 Homeland Security Memo

Poster 7, DHS Memo, It has been tried in the courts, and you auditors lose 100% of the time. The courts have ruled against you, in every state. Read the poster, read the memo, read the literally 1000's of local, state, and appellate court rulings. It's very clear. It's up to the discretion of the Postmaster or their designee (could be a counter clerk, as a matter of fact).
The Post Office is not a Traditional Public Forum, where you can do/say what you want - these are state parks, sidewalks, etc.
It's not a Non-Public Forum, which include jails, public schools, and military bases, that are restricted based on the content (i.e., subject matter) of the speech - they can prohibit you to speak about abortion on a military base.
It's a Limited Public Forum, time place and manner restrictions apply - permission may be required, applies to Post Offices, most federal offices, meeting rooms, etc., open to only certain groups, activities, and so on (i.e., no cameras for example). Read the 1972 case (408 USC 104) Grayned v. City of Rockford, the United States Supreme Court found that "The nature of a place, the pattern of its normal activities, dictate the kinds of regulations of time, place, and manner that are reasonable."
It's also why the Chief Judge of a building containing a borough, city, county, or state courthouse can prohibit cameras in the entire building (to include no filming in a town building that's both a courthouse and mayor's office). No filming without express (usually written) permission. A Social Security Office is federal - and is limited public forum. You cannot film in the building at all - in fact, you can get banned for a week, month, year or permanently banned. This means ALL SSO's.
Quit misquoting laws, it's perfectly legal to trespass by local (not federal officers) police. There is an expectation of privacy in limited public forums. Just as you cannot film an ATM machine to record the card, PIN and potentially CVV, you cannot record people as they mail packages, recording PII, addresses, return addresses, and financial transactions, including credit card information.
You grossly failed auditing101. Must have missed Dave's videos where he covered DMA (awaiting sentencing for filming in the SSA Office), and the hundred or so other videos he's covered, such as the arrest of an auditor in a closed city park (2 hours after closing) who refused to leave; too many auditors trespassed because of filming in DMV's, Post Offices, Weed dispensaries etc. All prohibited because of the recording of Personally Identifiable Information is an arrestable offense - dispensaries have another wedge - recording of people & health information.


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