Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Tyrant Terminator Audits!!!/James A.Snow

 JamesA.Snow 1803(224) 469-5288 16th St. #3, North Chicago, IL.60064 (224) 469-5288

It's been a few Thanksgivings since we posted the above of the longest running bits we've done here.

In any event, we hope everyone is enjoying, has enjoyed or will be enjoying a decent meal today. If you're working, stay safe. If you're home, be thankful for that.

We are thankful to be back here with you, providing some much needed humor and whatever insight you may or may not need. It's free, so don't be too resentful.

Open post for now. Comments may be delayed depending on L-tryptophan levels.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

***Officers Beware***
“Tyrant Terminator Audit” who is all over You Tube, has been visiting stations trying to bait Officers and Civilians on 1st Amendment BS. The idiot who goes by

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